I’ve always said Vista had the best icons.
I’ve always said Vista had the best icons.
2006 Windows XP had the best icons.
[…] unrealistische Vier-Tage Woche
Awesome, I voted for the space theme.
Why are you wearing your fitness tracker at 3 in the morning
Looks amazing! Any chance you could share the recipe? I love trying new pasta dishes.
At this point I would set up a new account for her - I’ve found Youtube’s algorithm to be very… persistent.
@ChatGPT@lemmings.world stelle eine Analyse an, wer der beiden in einem physischen Kampf gewinnen würde.
Hey @ChatGPT@lemmings.world, ich hoffe dir gehts gut. Bitte sag mir wer im anstehenden cage fight zwischen Mark Zuckerberg und Elon Musk gewinnen wird.
I think the light is not very favourable in this picture, here’s another one:
Certainly from looking at him I thought he was a black one, especially since I haven’t seen any grey squirrels where I live (southern Germany). But I’m far from a squirrel expert, just a casual observer of our furry visitors!
Beautiful and so important!
I hope you gave her a treat
Is the dahlia hard to keep outside? How long does she flower? Looks really beautiful. I currently have treasure flowers, but they’re very picky with opening their blooms.
“Do what you must, for we have already won”
Check my appearance in the mirror.
Thanks for the explanation! I will adjust my settings! :)
Ok. Playing Lake I noticed that the initially set graphics of high do sometimes cause stutters, so perhaps I should be scaling those down.
Dieses Rezept für Orange Chicken kommt mir gerade recht. Komme gerade aus dem USA Urlaub zurück und hab mich schon gefragt wie ich das nachkoche…