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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Yeah, all of the recasts have been spectacular with this one exception; I’m fully stumped by Paul Wesley and his take on the character. I don’t need anyone aping Shatner and I love the idea of highlighting the more bookish actual Kirk as opposed to the pop culture image of him, but Ozempic Kirk spends 90% of his time looking bored out of his mind and 10% of his time doing a terrible Han Solo impression that just comes off as creepy. I cannot understand spending so much time on him when literally everyone else on screen sparkles and he has the charisma of wet felt.

  • evolved to be more sensitive to light, resulting in everyone tending more towards malevolence, and barbarism, and queer coded villainy.

    You know, I spent the whole episode sort of wondering if they were going to try and speculate that all the species of the Mirror Universe are campy jerks because in that universe the Progenitors were campy jerks. But I suppose I’m glad they didn’t try and explain it, and it’s still just a little pastureland for the actors to go chew scenery.

  • I still don’t get it. It doesn’t really make sense to me. If it takes a lot of focus and concentration to maintain the solid form, why is one considered weak for doing so?

    They seem to be saying that the solid form is a sort of defense mechanism, like a snail shell or an opossum playing dead (or maybe an environmental one, like that it prevents the jelly form from losing too much moisture in a warm environment). It’s difficult to maintain, and implies you’re in a position of retreat or weakness. Now that the Breen presumably have no predators and no environmental necessity for the solid form, it’s seen as a cultural taboo.

    While I’m a little bummed the Breen aren’t the space-arctic-wolves I imagined them as during DS9, I think it’s an interesting idea. I do always like when they describe how cultural practices in a particular species comes from how they exist in the ecosystem of their home planet, like the Kelpiens (Saru and the Kelpiens being for me, Disco’s most successful addition to Trek canon).

  • ”The last recorded exploration was over a century before Doctor Vellek was even born.” That does potentially raise the question of how Burnham would have been so familiar with Lyrek in the previous episode, though of course she and most of the rest of the Discovery crew might have been alive before Doctor Vellek’s birth.

    We’ve seen that in her one year as a courier, Burnham learned everything about every planet because of secret criminal space knowledge. Even if the last recorded exploration was that old, presumably space pirates with their gritty streetsmart know-how have some sort of Mos Eisley medieval market nearby.