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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • I witnessed this happen. Guy boards a few people after me, looks like he hasn’t slept in a day. Walks miserably to the middle 5-wide row right before mine, moves to the center seat and buries his face in his arms to get a nap, then puts them down in resignation waiting for someone to take all his elbow room.

    Every single seat on that plane was full except by some miracle his row. It didn’t even fully register until we were in the air. Dude looked around like he was being pranked the entire time from when the door closed until the tires left the ground. As soon as the seatbelt signs turned off he put up all the arms and laid down across all five seats. He didn’t move until we landed like 12 hours later.

  • Same. When my dad turned retirement age I would make absolutely sure every waiter and cashier knew he was a senior. I’d loudly ask if his senior discount had been applied. Ah, the sweetest of petty revenges.

    (Karmic backlash: my kid has always been tall and strong for his age. I lost out on years worth of “kids for free” discounts. The ONE time I tried to eek him under an age limit he quite expertly shut down any shenanigans by stating his birth date, age to the day, and a proclamation that he would be ordering from the non-kid menu anyway, so it didn’t matter. He had just turned 6.)