
  • 69 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • I pulled out my copy of the cookbook just for reference, I keep it on my bookshelf next to my copy of the Poor Man’s James Bond 2. The 4 chapters of the book were “Drugs”, “Electronics, Sabotage, and Surveillance” (The shortest), “Natural, Nonlethal, and Lethal Weapons”, and “Explosives and Booby Traps”.

    I feel like “Drugs” would get expanded upon to showcase more modern stuff like Meth, Fent, Kratom, etc. The electronics/sabotage/surveillance chapter would double or triple in size easily, becoming the biggest in the book owing to our modern times and definitely include info on anonymizing yourself online along with in rallies/protests/riots, using the dark web, and more. Weaponry would get a nod towards 3d printing, maybe stuff on neutralizing gas for protestors/rioters. Explosives and Booby Traps wouldn’t change too much.

  • Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in history. She’s about 20 years younger then him. She’s unburdened by all of Biden’s failures, and can claim all his successes. Also not being catholic she doesn’t have to be weird about abortion and can be pro choice, which post-Roe is a HUGE deal for about 50% of the population. Trumpworld’s best hit against her is her laugh, which is absolutely not doing numbers because… c’mon.

    So yeah she’s got a decent chance, but obviously anything can happen.