I’ve over time accumulated a record player, cassette, and CD player for my deck that I love. (I also have a decent 8-track and DCC for novelty purposes lol). It’s really nice being able to go into a record store and the format not be a hindrance.
That said it’s out of scope for the convo I think so I left it out. It also wasn’t something I got into until I was able to acquire some disposable income as I got older. But I will say, Thrift shops and broad horizons are your friend :)
That’s how I did it before streaming and how I do now. Fortunately I got my friends to go down this road too and we’re all sorta healthier with it.
Will say, the library is an awesome resource if you start a local collection. It can be a good resource while you bridge the gaps. Most libraries also run their own streaming service for free it’s not feature rich usually but ours is very simple and very stable.
Like I said generally experimenting is best. Different people have different needs :)