Egypt warned them 3 days prior to the attack BBC .
Yeah is it a Labour group or Reform group?
It was the Sun that won it /s
Not American, any one care to explain this in relation to your first amendment. To me this is literally the government stopping someone from speaking.
If holocaust denial is a crime why is climate change denial not?
Imagine being a woman working for Apple and having a CEO who funds a rapist.
Would deliberately withholding “cures” be considered child abuse?
5th/6th largest economy in the world…
What does annexation actually mean? Do all the Palestinians get Israel citizenship and voting rights? Or is this officially implementing apartheid or expulsion/death?
Iraq Afghanistan North Korea
30 out of 350 so yeah…
Cough Tic tok cough
Well it would hypocritical of them to do so when they openly support Israeli racism against the Palestinians
Nothing says ‘loving your country’ more than setting a little part of it on fire.
Is it the NHS pushing for this or just the politicians?
You can always leave the EU if you don’t like the treaty/laws/rules your country signed up for.
Kemi: Only my parents and myself can exploit British laws lol all the other riff raff can piss off