Xfce for modularity and speed. Disable xfwm4 and xfdesktop and run i3 without i3bar.
Xfce for modularity and speed. Disable xfwm4 and xfdesktop and run i3 without i3bar.
This. I still daily drive arch, and, even though I’ve rarely had any breaking updates, it’s always feels like a gamble. Have to keep a mental note of which critical packages are being updated, just in case I have to rollback the package. Always carrying an install medium with an arch iso when taking my laptop out.
Nice! Was just waiting for my new purchases from Bandcamp to download when I checked my notifications. More for the collection.
Was checking out some Wasteland Riders and Hellripper last night, haven’t heard of the other on the playlist though. Got some more listening to do tonight. Thank you!
Also, ended up expanding my metal playlist on spotify. Might remove some stuff, I feel I was a little too lenient with some less heavy prog metal stuff. Some newly added stuff you might be into though:
I like 'em. I don’t come across many newer bands with that traditional metal sound.
Love me some Muse!
And thank you, you seriously got some great taste.
Figured I’d return the favor.
Here is my current heavy/thrash/prog metal playlist:
All of the songs are ones added to my main playlist. It’s a mess of many genres, so I have to make seperate playlists to give some organization. It’s almost 5700 songs as of now.
Heres a link if you’re interested:
Would recommend shuffling, or at least sorting by recently added. I’ve acquired tastes for a lot more music over the years.
Lot of good music in this thread, both familiar and new to me. Definitely adding some to my main playlist. You got good taste, should really make this playlist public.
What you got for 128?
While I still hold a great appreciation for writing with pen and paper, I find I rarely ever do so anymore. I used to always carry a notepad and pen for writing self reminders, notes, or whatever came to mind. Writing by hand most definitely helps me to remember the content.
As time went on though, after numerous different schools putting me in typing classes (due to telling counselors my interest in computers, moving schools yearly, and a lack of CS curriculum), typing became the quickest means of writing for me.
I have taken to using a middle ground of sorts in that I use a stylus with my Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 for my note taking. It still helps me somewhat to better remember the contents, and the unfolded dimensions (5.04 x 6.23 in.) are not dissimilar to using a small notepad.
I hadn’t heard about that, looks like they’re just waiting to get the ventilation/HVAC approved. Might have to a check Cirrus out when they open.
Apparently the “Coffee Joint” was able to open and allow dabbing and electronic vaping inside without needing to meet the same HVAC requirements.
I got into AC at a young age with the first game on PS1, and played every entry I could get my hands on from then on. I can’t think of any other game release that I’ve ever been this hyped about.
I loved Sekiro, Elden Ring, and the Dark Souls series, but the Armored Core (and Tenchu) games are some of my all time favorites both released by FromSoft and in general.
App analytics go brrrr