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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • My lucid dreams are unspeakably realistic, comprehensively and indistinguishable from reality. It’s like waking up each night into a horrible dystopia.

    In my nightmares, there’s a global autocracy, a kind of maximalism of pain which forces people into mass slavery, but it’s not even according to their whims, it’s simply a price for existing.

    I’d go on but it’s too spooky and sad.

    The rest of the time life’s pretty good.

  • There’s a non zero chance that Mars is a remnant of the planetary impact that occured to the Earth ~ 3.5 BYA. The issue is that’s a really loose hypothesis, but the speculation is that Theia - which impacted Gaia (old Earth) was an ice planet / water world, which gave us most of our oceans.

    Evidence of water evaporation on Mars therefore makes sense, as a catastrophic effect (such as planetary impact) would indeed cause the atmosphere to boil off, leaving behind these dry lakes and riverbeds.

    I personally haven’t spent enough time on Mars to make a substantial conclusion, there wasn’t enough time to do any science between the sheer insanity of basic survival on a planet that seems uniquely designed to kill you and crush your spirit before doing so.

    I totally approve of your analysis however, and it’s proof why geologists deserve a seat on the interstellar jumpships :3