Det er dybt tragisk. Verden ville være et paradis hvis virksomheder og organisationer smed en brøkdel af deres licenspenge efter de OSS løsninger som allerede nu virker ganske udmærket.
Det er dybt tragisk. Verden ville være et paradis hvis virksomheder og organisationer smed en brøkdel af deres licenspenge efter de OSS løsninger som allerede nu virker ganske udmærket.
Hvorfor er det så nemt at indkalde til møder på en dato der er passeret i Outlook? Forstår Microsoft overhovedet ikke at folk tror at jeg nok er lidt svagt begavet når det sker igen og igen?
Jeg ville høre hvad de tilbyder som erstatning og så prøve at presse dem på prisen.
Do you know who else uses that salute?
Enough with the fucking gaslighting. skum is a nazi piece of shit.
I use Ansible to deploy a bunch of containers with intradependencies (shared volumes, networks and settings). One of the containers is homemade with the source pulled from codeberg. Variables are kept in a separate file and passwords in an encrypted one and the whole thing is in a private repo. It is quite flexible.
When I started out converting from compose, I literally asked Copilot for “this, but in Ansible”, which got me pretty far.
Some people have a problem with the left photo, some with the right photo. And some are furious because of THAT FUCKING COMMA!!!
Der er helt klart potentiale for et meme, men jeg sad i et foredrag og nu har jeg tabt interessen.
They keep raising the prices but what arr you gonna do?
Anders Vistisen is a moron and belongs to one of the most populistic Danish parties and he normally does not speak for Denmark in general.
He’s right about this though. Orange shit stain can fuck right off.
Husk: Når du kører Tesla, kører du med Hitler.
You should know that asking trump to show mercy is almost as cruel as asking a legless person to stand.
They were going to scam those rubes!
This is so far beyond parody it has passed funny, then sad and now it’s kind of funny again.
And his mother was a tailor.
Ej, en pressechef der tager sin telefon? Jeg er chokeret!
The stomachpain is just noncoffee leaving the body.
Anything involving crypto is an invitation to scammers.
This was on my list but I guess there is no point now.
We will never learn what happened to this diverse group of strangers that found themselves on a mysterious island on a mysterious ship in a mysterious town on a mysterious farm.
Did they die and go to some sort of Hell? Are they being experimented on by aliens? Are they really in cryosleep onboard a spaceship? Is the whole thing a simulation or did a wizard do it maybe?
I guess that makes it OK then.