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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • Condemning either group for the actions of a few

    Is not what Kate Lister or feminist in general are doing. They’re saying that they are afraid of being alone with a man, this is just how they feel.

    they observe a few correlations from time to time

    Here in France, 96% of sexual assaults are performed by men. I don’t think you could find a country where the statistic goes the other way. “a few correlations from time to time” really doesn’t reflect the reality of the situation. It’s not some correlation, it’s a systemic issue in our society.

    Before long, critical thinking goes out the window, correlation is assumed to be causation and you’ve got men reacting aggressively to posts that say they are dangerous and women saying “I chose the bear!” even though they know that is staticallyess safe because it aligns with the message they think they need to share because they buy into the same stereotype the men did and vice versa.

    I actually agree that critical thinking goes out the window ! “I chose the bear!” is meant to express that women are afraid of men. The fact that most women would actually be terrified of an encounter with a bear or that they are statistically safer with a man than with a bear is irrelevant. Women want to send a message and instead of listening, you are correcting them on a technicality.

    Talking about the issue is fine but this discourse is flawed.

    The fact that you are only talking about the discourse and not the actual problem makes me wonder if you really want the issue to be resolved

    Imagine how it would play out if the question was “white people, would you rather be stranded on a island with a black person or an alligator?”

    This is a terrible comparison. When woman say they are afraid of men, it’s a dominated group being afraid of its dominators. With your black perso/alligator question, it’s a case of dominators being afraid of a group its dominating.

  • Pour moi, Dieu et le reste est sur un autre plan que la vie en général et la mienne en particulier. Penser que Dieu en a quoi que ce soit à cirer de toi personnellement dans tes petits tracas qui restent à ton échelle d’être humain c’est faire preuve d’un niveau d’autocentrisme qu’on veut bien tolérer d’un gamin de 3 ans mais pas d’un adulte mature.

    Mais du coup est-ce que tu pries Dieu ? Et si oui avec quelles intentions puisque tu considères que Dieu n’en a rien à faire ?

    J’ai aucun mal à croire fermement à une Résurrection qui a aboli tous les péchés (passés, présents et à venir) et admettre en même temps que c’est rigoureusement impossible et que chacun est responsable de ses actes.

    Je crois que je n’arriverai jamais à comprendre ça, mais si ça marche pour toi je t’avoue que je suis un peu jaloux !

  • It’s like those mirror covered buildings that reflect their surroundings, giving the impression of unbroken landscape as you drive by. They’re not invisible, you know there’s a huge building there, but it’s a hell of a lot less disruptive than a regular one.

    Those buildings kill birds tho, thye don’t see the building and hit the mirrors at full speed