Ah, I see. Hopefully they belonged to someone at the camp and are nice and safe :)
Ah, I see. Hopefully they belonged to someone at the camp and are nice and safe :)
Hmmm…if they and you are still in the same area, you can try sitting down nearby and eating a banana close enough to them that they can smell it. There’s a good chance they’ll come to you. If you don’t want to keep them as pets, I’m also in WA state and happy to help find a shelter in your area you can take them to
Cutie! Is this your bunny? If not, they look like a domesticated bunny who has likely been abandoned and left to fend for themselves.
Do they seem like they’re pretty used to humans?
Oh, THAT lady. Carry on lol
Uh…wasn’t Ghislaine Maxwell the one finding and bringing Epstein’s victims to him? She’s vile
Nah, that’s just you channeling your inner Psy: https://youtu.be/8dJyRm2jJ-U?si=a0JeSjBCsz1wRrkx