Road Rash 2
Oh man, this one takes me back.
Road Rash 2
Oh man, this one takes me back.
The rebellion is build on hope.
A nickname for a character from a book I want to write… the MC doesn’t and lives on in the aftermath of a fallen empire. What’s left is just a petty squabbling of those who survived, who came from the foreign lands and the dammed whose machinations are yet to be fulfilled.
(Think of an Andromeda show but leaning more into fantasy than sci fi)
Dog. Lifts up my day after I get home.
Warhammer: Total War 2.
But do you also manifest hearing his voice as you approach the table? (It’s horrible don’t do it!)
Library (it was fun spotting a book I haven’t read yet), comics (waiting for salles so I could get a bulk of them for cheap), rollerblade (until you discover that the road is bad and the poor wheels just can’t handle it), table top wargames (fun putting models together and doing pew pew sounds one a month with friends). DnD was also occasionally thrown in, but without proper DM the stories are just terrible and teens be doing rather immature things.
Innovations of capitalism.
US proved they’d rather torch the planet than let its grip on the dominance.
I always loved to declare to my DM that I’m playing CN character.