Minecraft with mods. Tasty food, unlimited creation, tons of stuff to try
Minecraft with mods. Tasty food, unlimited creation, tons of stuff to try
10 years ago probably
AMD is quite awful in this regard. Rn with my rx6650xt using Vulcan acceleration, I get the same speed as running on my r5 7600
Do keep in mind that there was a small amount of bloodshed. In the last hours, the government was holed up inside the National Guard building. This was quickly surrounded by military and a mob. The loyal troops/secret police that were holed up inside did start shooting at the crowd below, killing 3. Then one of the workers inside said building surrendered to the military. Said worker apparently panicked and tried to run away. One of the troops ran after him, the other fired their rifles, mortally wounding both
“Our adversaries are the people on the other side of the aisle. Our enemies are right here”
I mean, the weird thing is that they released first the server source code, then the app code
Aka; the rightful government of the entirety of China. May Taipei occupy Beijing once more
Yes and no. You need custom deivers for keyboard, backlight, speakers, webcam, touchpad… basically everything that isn’t the CPU and display
Isn’t google already banned in China anyways?
Well, right now I’m experimenting with an old mini PC, and using a couple of USB HDDs im creating a ZFS pool to serve as storage for an email server
Except for police use
The Matrix?
Chances are, fediverse will end up with right wing instances that only communicate with themselves and maybe some centrists, left wing will only communicate with themselves and maybe some centrists, centrists will see all
When you have 5 explosions in 24 hours, extraordinary measures have to be called in the short term before long term solutions, social reforms and alike can be implemented and take effect
The more recent context has to do with Linus personally, Rossman just did a video on it
If Australia in in the Eurovision (European song contest), it may as well be in the Union too
You could argue for it being culturally European though
Woah woah, they know nothing about firearms, can’t you read their name?
Short for Salmonella
Pretty sure that it’s something a long the lines of “stack begins high, grows down, while heap behind low grows high” when they meet, it’s a stack overflow