This isn’t Lua code, Lua requires commas as separators for table items.
EDIT: Retracted, it seems like Lua allows this madness
Software developer and artist.
This isn’t Lua code, Lua requires commas as separators for table items.
EDIT: Retracted, it seems like Lua allows this madness
I hope it’s going to be used instead of machine learning. Seems much more correct, secure and efficient to me.
Slowly first, then all at once.
Ich weiß, das kommt hier nicht gut an, aber meiner Meinung nach hat sich schon länger erwiesen dass Wählen allein keine ausreichende Lösung für Probleme die mit Menschenrechten, Umwelt oder Lebensqualität zu tun haben ist. (Ich meine nicht Demokratie oder Wahlen generell, sondern unsere Bundestagswahl). Wir sind zwar besser dran als viele andere, aber ich denke Emma Goldman hatte mehr Recht als man zugeben möchte: “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal”
and fuck people selling technology as a solution instead of system change.
It’s also called depression. (I think, don’t quote me on that.)
Any time I see graphs or statistics which cut of at 2020 to 2021 I get the feeling that the trend is being misrepresented, maybe deliberately.
But that would still put Earth on track to heat up roughly 2.5 to 2.9 degrees Celsius over preindustrial levels by the century’s end, the report found
Doesn’t that still mean extinction of nearly all life on earth? What’s with the headline saying “safe levels”?
I think we have underestimated how much progress has been made on killing the planet.
Same here. Sounds pretty sustainable to me!
I doubt TCP/UDP or basic HTTP requests will change much, but I guess it depends on how high-level the API is.
Of course the most productive comment is the least upvoted one. EDIT: After thinking about it, maybe it’s best to add an explanation to bare links.
Are you beginning to see things more clearly now?
It’s double speak. The translation is “We are evil and if you say something about what you see, we will silence you.”.
Interesting, that definitely makes sense!
Actually, I like encapsulating global state in a structured and documented construct. But I guess I could see Java developers going overboard with abstraction in an imperative language.
I’ve recently come to appreciate the “refactor the code while you write it” and “keep possible future changes in mind” ideas more and more. I think it really increases the probability that the system can live on instead of becoming obsolete.
Actually one of the few languages you can learn in its completeness in less than a day, so I wouldn’t really say it’s “hard to understand”. More like hard to read and understands programs written in it.
Das ist Doppelsprech für “enorme Auswirkungen auf die Stabilität meiner Machtposition”.
Wow. Seems like I will never stop learning new things about Lua.