To the Democrats that called me a shill:

No amount of shills could possibly do as much damage to the Democrats as Biden is doing. Dems are not just shooing themselves in the foot this time. They’re shooting themselves in the head.

But sure, blame it on shills if it helps you cope.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 23 days ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • Plan your revolution.

    Oh, I’m not planning a revolution. I abhor the idea of revolution. Revolutions are messy, and many innocent people get killed because nobody’s sure who to trust. (And because the victors write history, we never hear enough about the innocent victims of revolutions.)

    Also, I would be no good in a violent revolution. I am old and fat. I do not know how to shoot a gun. I feel faint at the sight of blood.

    As I said, I am hoping for a peaceful resolution for this country’s problems, which is why I am encouraging people to vote for non-establishment candidates and praying for divine intervention.

    But I’m not blind. This country is headed for violent revolution if its politics don’t change. This gestures at everything cannot continue.

  • You think Biden doesn’t like genocide? Was he forced into supporting this genocide against his will, because the US is a helpless client state of Israel? Occam’s razor, dude.

    Biden loves genocide. He loves killing brown babies. Why else would he do it?

    He’s a old racist colonialist white supremacist who thinks brown people need to be exterminated if they don’t respect their superior white masters.

  • tell me how not voting blue in November saves a single life

    Genocide will stop when people stop supporting genocide.

    If your argument is that there’s too few of us to make a difference, that doesn’t matter. The handful of Germans who dissented from the Nazis probably didn’t make a difference either. It was still the right thing to do.

    it is the poor zip codes that will flood unchecked with poison into the air

    And what about the hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza who are being bombed to death? And the millions more who are close to starving to death?

    Sure, it sucks that Flint doesn’t have clean water, but it’s not really on the same magnitude, is it?

    And I was an lgbtq kid back when it was literally illegal to be gay in my state. Again, not great, but it’s not the same as being bombed and starved.

    You dare make appeals to compassion while turning a blind eye to genocide. It is absurd and obscene.

    Voting blue to help these people is an hour out of your day on a fucking Tuesday.

    If the Democrats want my vote, they can stop supporting genocide. It’s that simple.