It’s not, it’s just that with enough mainstream media coverage about scary internet stories normies are slowly waking up to what the internet is and how you should conduct yourself on it. Of course any terminally online person could have told you that 20 years ago but those are not most people. Hell even if you do know better good luck convincing your family, I know I tried for years with negligible results other than one of them now using a password manager.
Google support is a joke, I had to RMA a tablet, obviously went through all the troubleshooting before (factory reset included). The dude on the Hotline was like: “fantastic you did everything I would have told you. Unfortunately our system doesn’t accept that way of working I need to send you an email with the same troubleshooting steps you already did and you need to call again in a few minutes and confirm to a new support agent that you followed what the email told you”
To their credit it was accepted afterwards with no issues but that whole process is more than braindead