I mean yeah. At this point I have no other choice huh? I mean Jesus…
I mean yeah. At this point I have no other choice huh? I mean Jesus…
Yup. That one’s on me. I should have been more specific. I asked for an example of Nazis with power in Ukraine and you gave it to me.
Let me try again, what Nazis, specifically named, are in power today? Because what you linked mentioned one politician who is still active today who is vaguely linked to the OUN and it didn’t even tell me what that link was. Similarly “Rising antisemitism” and “rising nationalism” are meaningless in this day and age. I need you to show me what you mean when you say those things. I asked for evidence, not more claims.
That depends. Name another Nazi brigade. I’ve literally only ever heard Azov when people call Ukrainians Nazis. Where are the rest? What are there names? One brigade does not a political problem make. So where are the rest of the Nazis? What is their influence in government? What laws are they pushing? What do they control? Where are the Nazis?
No. Propagandist is.
No one knowing what you’re saying is a problem, but that’s a you problem. Everyone who reads what you wrote is confused because what you’re saying sounds like the ravings of a lunatic. No one knows what you’re talking about. We’ve never heard of these events you’re alluding to. So either show proof of them or we’re going to write you off as another propaganda shill
But you knew all of this because it’s 2025 and no one on lemmy doesn’t understand how the Internet works. Which means you’re lying for a purpose. You’re a propagandist.
It’s a guest contributor to a local paper deep in Mormon country. It’s not really hard to add up
Have the police attempted to justify their actions?
Yeah, seriously. They can fuck right off with that one. They don’t own the community. You get to be a part by contributing. It’s up to the community whether you’re let in or no. Log Cabin morons think they own us already
Most of the time it’s accompanied by “sins of the father” rhetoric where nothing changes but we’ll see I guess
Come on France, those are scrub tier numbers
They’re admitting that now dead people did bad things a long time ago. Not exactly impressive
I’d rather live in a world where the concept of “copyright” doesn’t exist at all. Unfortunately we don’t live in that world and art can be exchanged for money. As such, let’s stick to trying to keep people from starving rather than pretending this is fine because the concept of capitalism is inherently broken, mkay?
Fear of the “next guy” is the only reason la’orang is still alive. All of this is the fault of people gearing “what’s next”. The number of evil people on earth is finite. Even if the next one is worse, there’s only one way forward. So just take the win. The number of evil is about to drop by one
Who’s welcome is it?
And Vermonters. It’s also a fuck you to the state that hates Trump the most.
I mean, I get the idea that it’s easier to do this sort of thing at scale with this technology, but there are already entire sophisticated corporations overseas dedicated solely to phishing at scale already using ultra cheap labor so like … Is anything really going to change other than those scam companies going out of business due to grassroots competition? I don’t really see how this changes anything other than the labor budget of phishing companies.
Not true. The system suppresses third parties. It doesn’t stop them. Parties fall in the US just like everywhere else. When was the last time you spoke to a US whig? Or a Jeffersonian Republican? The system in place when those parties fell was exactly the system we have now. It just takes a massive popular effort and a period of severe political turmoil where the country is heavily divided along party lines and a large portion of the country feels entirely disenfranchised (ideally about a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 split between the two parties and people fed up or greater). Happened at the revolution. Happened at the civil war. Happened at the great depression. Guess where we are now? Don’t let yourself fall for the lie that the party is eternal. We’re on the knive’s edge now. It’s time to push
Despite what the media wants us to think, both parties are wildly unpopular with their own voters and are primed for collapse. Literally all of the conditions historically needed for social revolution have been met
They’re saying that like it’s special. 100k household being middle class has been a thing where I live since the 90s. Whoever wrote this article is really old to be this flabbergasted by such an unsurprising number. That’s two 50k salaries. Honestly I’m amazed anything less is considered middle class. Shits expensive
This place is explicitly for shit posting. The only thing cringe is saying cringe in 2025
Yah, nope. Still completely fucking lost. You suck at writing my dude. Maybe take a class? Idk, but your teachers failed you hard. I said we because I’m not op supergenius.