• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Tech companies don’t hire people who know their stuff. Tech companies pay contractors who know their stuff to do the things their trained employees can’t. They arent looking for a full cup. They need new meat to exploit while it’s still too dumb to realize how hard it’s getting shafted and then to dump it before it makes itself irreplaceable.

    It also doesn’t sound as much like you’re looking for engagement as you are employment (“people with money don’t pay attention to me”). If money is the end goal, you want to do advertising, not just engagement. If engagement and community are what you truly want, then I’m afraid to tell you those things generally cost money instead of generating it.

    Contracting work would be the best case of having your cake and eating it too. Contractors form their own communities wherever they go depending on the trades in question. I think you’ll find the network of likeminded individuals you’re looking for there. However, be advised that contracting is regulation heavy and would greatly benefit from a few focused law courses before really trying to get yourself into bidding jobs.

  • You guys shit the bed. Shiess the bed. Whatever you sourkraut fuckers want to call it. It would have been easier to set yourselves on fire in a bunker. Fascism is as fascism does. Tell us “it’s for the greater good”. You’re just cutting away the undesirables. You admins do so much for our own good and we should be grateful you know so much better than we do. That’s why you have all those updoots

  • Bullets and blankets mostly. Then came the churches, the camps, and eventually the schools. Y’see, the difference is that the media came after. It happened to the southern empires first. The propaganda comes well after the genocide. It’s a justification tool. You’re here trying to tell me the media is telling me who to hate. I don’t hate trannies. We have a gay bar downtown overflowing with them. Good, cop hating people. What I hate is seeing them in the news picketing to bring back drag queen story hour when there are homeless cities without water down the street. I hate seeing senators argue about prepubescent access to hrt when there are 150 year old treaties not being honored to this day with native peoples. And I hate seeing all of you here put words in my mouth about who I should or shouldn’t hate for reasons I never brought up to begin with. There is no wrong think. Hatred is allowed. Sometimes, it’s even justified. I just try my best to hate ideas instead of people. So no, I don’t hate trannies or gays or twinsouls or any other extremely niche group youd like to add to the soup. I hate the overblown media footprint of shit that does not and will not ever matter to the overwhelming majority of people in this country.

  • Your last paragraph so neatly captures my own point it’s kinda funny. “If you want to help lgbt+, you can focus on a problem that affects many groups (like clean water). That brings allies into your group to work together towards a goal.” Except your group has more fucking allies than members in my entire nation. And instead of using those allies to fight for something like water rights, you’re burning media time to talk about how grown men should be able to dress as overtly sexualized caricatures of women to read books to children. That’s not an issue that affects many groups. But it’s still on the fuckin news. Our world isn’t EXACTLY zero sum but it’s close. There are only so many hours in the 24 hours news cycle, and I should be seeing more water cleaning and less drag book reading. Explain to me why that is without blaming the mysterious powers that be who are probably just trying to make you look bad.

  • Most people are mentally weak. Turns out, you can reprogram your whole mind with enough effort. Sort of like a person who is born male convincing themselves they should have been born female, to the point that they will mutilate their bodies to make their physical reality match their perceived ideal. It’s a triumph of mind over body, and it takes discipline. But you go ahead and hold onto the notion that people can’t choose for themselves. That’s a very conservative viewpoint. Colonial, even.