Of course, I will do a follow up afterwards :)
Glückwunsch! Am Samstag habe ich vier Futro S920 für 85€ bekommen (ง ื▿ ื)ว
I beg to differ and say, even when the Arch wiki is a great source of knowledge, setting up own Arch system and maintaining it requires keeping on track with updates, to understand what is wrong with your system to look up the right keywords and so on. In my opinion it is better to stay on a stable, periodically released distro with tested repos like Debian, Mint or Ubuntu at first. Afterwards, you can still switch to Arch.
And therefore it should not be recommended to Linux beginners… It is not a beginner distro.
Geil. Was hast du getan, dass du Reddit “gebrochen” hast?
Und wenn hier Palmen wachsen, kann man mit den Kokosnüssen leckere Currys zubereiten.
Mein Schwager ist begeisterter Griller und hatte einst ein riesiges Sortiment an Grillsaucen, das auch bei jeder Gelegenheit auf den Tisch gestellt wurde. Er hat dann irgendwann gemerkt, dass trotzdem alle zum Hela Gewürzketchup, Tomatenketchup und Senf greifen. Einzige Ausnahme waren mein Bruder und ich, die auch mal die Dark-Beer-BBQ-Sauce oder etwas anderes “exotisches” wie Zigeunersauce nehmen. Inzwischen stellt er nur noch ein Zehntel seiner Sammlung auf den Tisch.
Amazon hat einfach den Vorteil, dass es durch die vielen Händler eben diese breite Auswahl an einem Ort zentralisiert. Eben deswegen bräuchte es optimalerweise offene Standards, nach denen Online-Händler ihre Shops pflegen können bzw. die unterliegende Software arbeiten kann, die es unabhängigen Tools ermöglicht, selbstständig und automatisch Angebote einzuholen und darzustellen. Also wie idealo und Geizhals, aber ohne diese “idealo-Händler” usw.
Dann ist das leider so. Zumindest kaufe ich nicht direkt über idealo, sondern gehe immer in der Shop. Mein Browser entfernt etwaige Affiliate Links und blockiert Werbung und Cookies. So sollte möglichst wenig Ertrag bei Springer landen.
If you want people to help you, it would be good if you weren’t so condescending…
Edit: Grammar.
So, if I plan to build a pi cluster I should get familiar with k8s?
Quite basic but saves me a couple of seconds each time. alias update=“sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean -y”
Is there a social media or github account to follow for news on your game? I really enjoyed Slime Rancher (it was the first game on my 100% achievement journey) and a similiar game in a fantasy setting would be lovely!
Right now, I am working on a bash script which automatically installs Artix Linux (Arch Linux without systemd) on any machine. You can choose between a basic installation which just keeps you with a running system and some necessary packages and a custom installation which contains my config files and settings. Mainly, I am doing it to practice bash and Linux, but I plan to switch from Debian to Artix and I wanted to have a script to easily reinstall my system if I brick something.
I will most likely split this project into two in the future: an enhanced install script which lets people choose their packages and a separate script which copy my dotfiles onto the system.
EDIT: Grammar and spelling.
In addition to all good recommendations above, I also can recommend Vim Vixen or Vimium C.
These extensions enable you to control your browser with your keyboard with vim-like commands. If you are already using vim or want to use your keyboard more to comfortably navigate your system, it is a must-have :)
Thanks for your great advice! I did a quick measurement of the noise spectrum inside the cabinet with my phone:
It seems most of the noise is in the 100 - 1k Hz range.
Basotect looks perfect! It is also quite affordable. Will 3 cm will suffice or would you recommend thicker padding?
(If I can’t find a proper solution for the cable ducts, I could use any remaining Basotect, glue it together and fill the duct with it. There will be just a few cables that have to leave the cabinet anyway…)