• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I have had no interaction with anyone from Hexbear. Personally do not support Russia or the CCP, But I also stand against defederation, regardless of their stances on any topic. It doesn’t make someone a “inflammatory troll” just because they hold different opinions than you. Even if there really are inflammatory trolls coming from that server, it should be enough to block them if you personally dislike them. In general, it’s healthy to expose ourselves to a wide diversity of opinions, and to respectfully discuss topics with people who disagree with us.

  • I understand that some citizens of various other countries see themselves as part of an interconnected global world, where countries are fungible. And to be fair, a few Americans think that too. But in reality the US is far removed from all other countries, and we’re blessed with being the greatest country possible, so a foreign perspective really doesn’t impact us at all.

    So you’re right to say I’m uninformed — indeed we all are, somewhat, depending on the holes in our areas of focus — but you’re wrong to say my conclusions are not based on facts. Because my conclusions are entirely factual within the context of the US.

    If I’m incorrect outside of that context, well okay, I’ll take your word on that. But so? It just seems like such an irrelevant point to make.

  • Perhaps — I have no idea about the rest of the world — but Fox serves an American audience, so that’s the context in which it’s appropriate to evaluate it.

    As a conservative, when I look at the Fox News website, I typically think all of the following: A) these stories are notably well-balanced compared to the other mass media outlets, B) man, they publish some really stupid articles on this site, C) Why do the articles all have huge videos that are completely unrelated to the articles on top of them?, and D) Yikes, the comment section sure does feature some openly racist remarks sometimes.

    But outside of Fox, in the US, there are generally two types of news organizations: large-and-leftist and tiny-and-conservative.

  • Trump was a life-long Democrat until he switched parties. He’s not a Christian. His personality could hardly be described as “conservative” by anyone. Trump may win the GOP primary again, just because Democrats control the mass media, but he does not represent the voice of conservative Americans, even if we end up voting for him in the general election. He’s a political anomaly, which is why he has a fanbase, but is also why he shouldn’t be a factor in this conversation.

  • I’m not saying “no true Scotsman.” I’m saying Mussolini was a legitimate fascist, and his party died a long time ago. Some people today have similar traits, especially on the Left, but nobody is really part of his party anymore.

    Free speech is a delicate principle. It requires everyone to firmly agree that everyone is allowed to speak freely, and we’re all prepared to fight to the death, literally, to defend their right to say it. It’s delicate because as soon as people abandon it, the entire project of western civilization can be destabilized. What we are permitted to say on kbin and every other online platform is the essence of free speech.

  • Yes, well the MAGA crowd isn’t very conservative if you ask me, and personally I support DeSantis. I think Democrats are strongly pushing for a Trump nomination because they know he’s unelectable, and it’s an easy play.

    But to your point, I concede that most people do consider MAGA to be right wing, and that Trump has on several occasions said things suggesting he’d like an autocracy. I think we can agree that’d be undesirable. I just don’t think it’s very conservative.

    Like Jan 6th.

    All that was, was a group of jaded voters who believed (rightly or wrongly) that there was election fraud. Personally I see no evidence of fraud substantial enough to change the election. But at the same time, I recognize that for someone who truly did believe there was election fraud, they were upset and they wanted to protest about it. That’s all it was — a protest that was legitimate based on what they believed.

    You are constrained by reality. Nobody is here to delete my posts and ban me for you.

    And I’m glad about that, 100%. I wouldn’t want you banned.

    But back to the definition, you can’t just pluck a couple of words out of there and say it’s a match. The whole definition fits the left way better than the right, and yet in truth doesn’t fit either completely.

  • Hmm, let’s break it down:

    a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti)

    Could be leftists, conservatives, or any other political group.

    that exalts nation and often race above the individual

    Well that excludes conservatives, because conservatism celebrates rugged individualism.

    Leftism, by contrast, embraces groups above individualism. This is what conservatives usually refer to as neo-Marxism. It’s also known as identity politics. It’s this idea that we’re all members of a group, and that group gives us our identity. Then with intersectionality, you have multiple groups defining identity.

    Two caveats:

    1. Christians are the exception to the rule, where many conservatives do embrace an identity that can be defined as a group.
    2. Leftists do exalt groups above the individual, but those groups are not normally the nation (at least not in the US).

    and that stands for a centralized autocratic government

    Yes, in general, conservatives support small government, while leftists prefer government regulations over private business, government handouts for the poor, government taxation of the wealthy, and government control of every little thing in life — basically big government.

    Centralized? In the US, centralized means federal control whereas decentralized means State and local control. Leftists generally prefer the former, whereas conservatives generally prefer the latter.

    headed by a dictatorial leader

    Not applicable in the US, but I wouldn’t put it past the Left in the near future.

    severe economic and social regimentation,

    Yep, see this thread for instance. Leftist love regimented control over what we’re allowed to think, and they love silencing the opposition.

    and forcible suppression of opposition

    Oh, you mean like when Biden has his primary opponent, Trump, tied up in court with accusations and a threat of imprisonment? Or, you mean like this very thread where leftists are trying to silence the TERFs? Yes, leftists absolutely love the forcible suppression of their opposition.

    In conclusion, no, it’s not a perfect fit for leftists, but it’s loosely close — and it certainly doesn’t fit conservatives even slightly.

  • It certainly does sound like typical leftists if you squint. Everyone in this thread opposing free speech is an authoritarian. But if you actually read that definition word for word, it’s a position almost nobody supports. What’s more, the definition has been changed from the original political affiliation. I’m not surprised Miriam-Webster’s open to redefining words, but try as they might, words still mean what they originally meant. Still, their definition is close enough to the original to demonstrate my point that there are no fascists left, unless you squint and look at modern leftists.

  • I find it interesting that, at the heart of our differences, is a disagreement over the nature of the internet itself — whether it’s public or private, more like a town square or more like our own living rooms. If you go back to the '90s, when the Web was nascent, I think technologists would have been surprised to learn that the issue is still so unsettled in 2023. I suppose it’s a tough issue to settle. Ultimately, neither of our traditional notions of “public” and “private” fit it well.

    We agree that people who want us dead should not be invited into our living rooms. My position is that by surfing kbin we are putting ourselves in the middle of a town square, and opening ourselves up to any and all perspectives, disagreeable as they may be. As an American, my sentiment is “bring it on.”

  • You’re confusing that “Voltaire” quote (which wasn’t actually said by him) with the American First Amendment.

    The American First Amendment is predicated on America’s cultural basis in the principle of free speech, which is embodied by the quote. The American First Amendment indeed applies only to government, restricting its overreach. But the principle of free speech is one of the core principles of American culture. It goes far deeper than the First Amendment.

    If you don’t want to debate with them then don’t subscribe to their magazine, and leave them alone.