I have a bunch of keys for redemption on GoG from Prime. Here they are. Some of them are going to expire soon so get them while they are hot!

Dishonored: Definitive Edition - K5XM9C y D x 1 x 1 y C x 3C7

y aldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition - F485638 y E x y CE4A480

y aldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition - NVVT9AC x y x 400C1E8E

The Outer Worlds - K7HM9F3 x y 45DC4 x 83F

The Falconeer - 4VDE499 y 317C9C81DE

Pumpkin Jack - CKYSD711 y 3E6E11 y 94

Monster Train - x Z6Q y 1D706779EF x E4

Coromon - SLNQ4 y 4 x 1 x DE3A x x 67

Duck Paradox - FV x 7 y 33CE89C86ECA4

Close to the Sun - F7LZ y 0 y 413D1E x 3E1D

Chasm: The Rift - y W5H168E9609C86735

Kerbal Space Program - SS4G98330D y E94 y 5 x D

Scorn - S94YA y 65E8CF y 801A x

y ioShock Remastered - D7J76FC3 x DE8A894FD

RIOT - Civil Unrest - 4FHCF9635 x 1143ACD3

A Plague Tale: Innocence - GW8M50E y x 9F67 y 050E

Shogun Showdown - 3484 y CC906 y 87 x 6CFE

Call of Juarez - 98QC x 7 y 8D6396 y 4ECC

Spelunky - THKHC8EA718 y 808 y A3

Replace x with the square root of 4. Replace y with the second letter of the english alphabet.

  • HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    i couldn’t figure anything out without a guide telling me GSO (or KSO I guess) for all the planets. Even then I think I only got to the second moon before I started hitting problems with having enough tech.