I’m pretty sure Israel’s numbers exclude some lives.
North American racial categories don’t translate directly to the apartheid regime in Israel-Palestine. There are Jewish Israelis of colour and Muslim Palestinians who look like your average white person (cf. Ahed Tamimi).
Israel is a Western settler-colonial project; it is racist as fuck.
- Birth control shots forced on [Jewish] Ethiopian women
- Invention of the Mizrahim Israel invented the word Mizrahim to strip Arab Jews of their histories as they tried to do with Palestinians.
I didn’t say Israel is not racist. I said that north american norms of racist don’t translate directly to Israel. It’s just more nuanced than skin tone.
I don’t think a reaction image has space for that kind of nuance. Pointing that out seems pointless
Israelis regularly use the n-word and attack black people. White supremacy is white supremacy.
Yeah. It nuanced #Ethnocide, of Semites by Europeans and Americans without a speck of Semite, as in antisemite, genes @theacharnian. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonentine/2013/05/16/israeli-researcher-challenges-jewish-dna-links-to-israel-calls-those-who-disagree-nazi-sympathizers/ @davel
Basing any kind of politics on genes in this context is regressive. Not interested.
Don’t tell us, tell the Israeli state and other Zionists who are basing politics on genes.
During Susan Abulhawa’s recent brilliant takedown of Zionism in the Oxford Union, one person from the pro-Israeli side made a stink about being called a “white colonizer” when they were in fact Yemeni. Do you want to be able to respond meaningfully to such an argument or not? Painting the two sides as Israeli-White vs Palestinian-Brown is only playing into the hands of the Israeli propaganda, that claims Israel to be a diverse and inclusive society. So don’t fucking do that. Acknowledge the simple fact that, Palestinians like Ahed Tamimi can also be blonde and blue eyed and still be at the bottom of the Israeli apartheid hierarchy. An Ethiopian Jewish Israeli is higher in the hierarchy than every Palestinian, because skin color is not the ultimate determinant in this particular system, jewishness is. It’s not white supremacist, it’s jewish supremacist and the two things are not exactly the same. I don’t understand why pointing out the simple fact that American colorism does not fucking translate directly to the Israeli apartheid system is taken as controversial here.
That’s a direct and appropriate CITED RESPONSE to your OPINION, buddy. @theacharnian @palestine #TrollAlert
I am not sure I understand what the fuck you are talking about. #andWhatIsGoingOnWithTheHashtags
There is no such thing as “semite genes”. If an Israeli claims right to the land based on “semite genes”, that’s a regressive. If a Palestinian does the same, that’s regressive.
TL;DR American healthcare has middlemen extracting profit as a rule, and are the only developed country where that is the case.
But if we’re judging the quality vs. cost of the healthcare itself, excluding people who won’t be given healthcare because it’s an apartheid state is fairly reasonable, because we’re comparing the ‘civilized’ healthcare systems and their efficiency.
If you want to compare disparity in healthcare you’re going to need a much more complicated matrix; comparing between class, ethnicity, and religion within a country, and then also between countries, would probably give you a better answer…and it would still end in America ridiculously overpaying for shitty healthcare.
Here’s the weird thing.
Those other countries up there? They aren’t living on the US teat : they pay for their own healthcare. Getting this revolving handout from America isn’t the real distinguisher here, even if it makes great headline copy.
Countries as poor as Cuba and as rich as Israel can get proper healthcare, or some freemium bullshit downward spiral in-between, all self-funded.
Yeah this is a tiring shitpost. That’s not a correlation. We fund a Middle East nuclear bomb outpost for the West’s new cold war AND we have oligarch driven shitty healthcare.
People need to get offline and read actual history, polisci and sociology books before drawing conclusions or bullhorning them.
Oh, so you’re saying they completed a successful test run of socialized medicine using US tax dollars and proven it effective? Sounds like we’re ready for a national rollout.
Defund and divest, baby. Money for health and education, not for war and occupation.
USSA can only roll out the fallout
Bro, I ain’t trying to live 5 extra years in America.
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What an incredible country, USA USA USA! 🇺🇸 🔫🧈
Dumb Tax Payers. 🤣
I thought the reason they were raising the social security age was because “people are living longer”. That is what I just read yesterday.
It’s a bit complicated, but yes and no. Is life expectancy in the us falling? Yes. Is life expectancy still longer than when the previous social security age was chosen? Also yes. And also factor that baby boomers are going to draw from it soon, and the middle class is shriking pushing people into poverty, that means a smaller amount of people who can’t be taxed as high. Also law makers are plundering the funds and putting in IOU’s they never intend to honor, to fund other things, using treasury bonds.
So right now social security will falter around 2030, and the pay out will fluctuate depending on how much the current work force can be charged. At that moment, it looks like 20% lower, and it will fall from there unless things change
Dude that’s weak sauce. Good for people for living longer. Good for everyone involved.
This isn’t true, according to AFP
What that link states is ‘Experts refute claims that Israelis get free US medical treatment’, which is unrelated to the OP post.
OPs post is a picture of a life-expectancy chart with the refuted claim written in large red letters.
Look, I’m very much for ending giving money to Israelis, but they don’t need to make up reasons why we should
For reference, the title is:
The fact-check link explains that Israelis don’t have privileged access to the USA healthcare system, not how the Israeli healthcare system is financed. But it’s an obvious clickbait title: are 4 years difference, not five, and wherever the money comes (USA transference, Israeli working class, plundering of Palestine…) don’t change the fact that it’s better and
34 times cheaper than the USA healthcare system.Edit: typo
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