Sometimes when I stay up late doing something creative I end up getting this very comforting feeling about the future. A sort of certainty that everything will work out in the end and that luck happy coincidences will always be on my side. If I had this sort of confidence throughout the day, I would live a much more pleasant and relaxed life. Since it makes me forget about all the hurdles I am grappling with in life, it makes excited about the future once again (like I was in my early teens before all the new responsibilities started weighing on me), and makes me want to go out there and live life to the fullest.

Does anyone else experience this feeling as well? It’s always gone by the morning but if I could internalize it it could be life changing. Do you have any idea how?

    2 years ago

    That’s when you need to “throw your hat over the wall,” meaning, commit to something that preferred state of mind wants. Calendar it. Promise it to someone. Make it a plan that involves someone else.

    Inspiration can be fleeting. Learn to trust your “best self” and ignore the lazy grump who “doesn’t feel like it now.”

    Practice this, and the inspired/more positive self will get a chance to occupy more and more of your real life.