I’ve been enjoying chatting on IRC and was wondering if anyone has any relevant experience with any bouncers?

I tried setting up ZNC but could not get any clients to work with it.

I finally settled on soju with goguma as client, but since no up-to-date Docker container existed, I had to create my own Dockerfile for that.

For now, it’s only available on my LAN (proxied through nginx), and am uncertain if exposing it externally is a good idea (I already have a VPN, but prefer to expose services if it’s safe to do so).

  • Johannes Jacobs@lemmy.jhjacobs.nl
    5 months ago

    I’ve been on IRC long before the stone age (so to speak) and its neither dated nor dead.

    Not everyone needs the fancy audio, video and imagery that new protocols provider for. Some of us are content with just text. And for me thats the great value of IRC.