I have been in quality the a gaming slump for a while, for various reasons.
What are some games you’d throw at me yo drag me out of this slump?
Entertaining all genres and offers.
Edit: I’m sorry cant answer all of you right now, I’m at work.
But seriously thank y’all for so many quick responses already, I’ll be writing them down when home
The first title that jumps to my mind, especially when you contextualize it around “restoring faith”, is Satisfactory. It’s been a very entertaining and challenging game, but also the development team has been exactly what one (typically) wants from a dev team. They’ve been very transparent about issues, their process, etc. Their interactions with the fan-base have been frequent and open throughout the years of development. Good game + good company. Worth consideration if you like a good factory builder.
Very down to earth people. Telling us they want to go outside in the summer so they won’t be working for a bit was a bit of a stab at us basement dwellers