When I saw it years later I misunderstood what Wayne meant when, talking of Stacey having bought him a gunrack and being mental, he says “get the net!”
To late 90s me it sounded like he was talking about the internet, sarcastically telling Stacey to “get the internet” as in “be cool, get with the times, stop being a dork”
When pointed out to the me he’s referring to the much older trope of catching crazy people with giant butterfly nets, I realised how solidly pre-internet Wayne’s World is. And can’t be quintessentially 90s for me for that reason.
Wayne’s World
Feels leftover 80s to me. Or that weird transition period
You’re describing the 90’s
When I saw it years later I misunderstood what Wayne meant when, talking of Stacey having bought him a gunrack and being mental, he says “get the net!”
To late 90s me it sounded like he was talking about the internet, sarcastically telling Stacey to “get the internet” as in “be cool, get with the times, stop being a dork”
When pointed out to the me he’s referring to the much older trope of catching crazy people with giant butterfly nets, I realised how solidly pre-internet Wayne’s World is. And can’t be quintessentially 90s for me for that reason.
You may also remember they were filming for PBS. Broadcast TV.