I was a happy RaspberryPi customer for years, but recently switched to Rockchip based models from Radxa. Radxa is years ahead of Raspberry Pi.
Any high level thoughts regarding Radxa vs. RaspberryPi.
The only non RaspberryPi SBC that I’ve used was a version of the ASUS TinkerBoard, it was marginally better than the 3B version I had previously (latest one at the time).
I’ve had great success with orangepi just not getting android setup on them. Stupid win blows only rockchip flashers
RK3588 is a very powerful chipset. I have the 32GB version and it’s great for running language models, as well as being my home server (Samba, PiHole…).
You need a recentish kernel with the Rockchip SoCs (I’m on Arch Linux running 6.10). Otherwise it works perfectly. I can give a strong recommendation.