In the course of the 1970s, handheld electronic calculators transformed the way tens of millions of people did arithmetic. Engineers abandoned slide rules, business people gave up desktop calculating machines, and shoppers replaced simple adding machines and adders.
Yeah I basically ignored my teacher’s suggestions and bought an HP instead because I really liked the Reverse Polish Notation it defaults to. I could do everything the TI could do and in fewer key presses. Took some learning though. Had the side benefit that no one would ever want to borrow it because they couldn’t even do 1 + 1 in RPN.
Yeah I basically ignored my teacher’s suggestions and bought an HP instead because I really liked the Reverse Polish Notation it defaults to. I could do everything the TI could do and in fewer key presses. Took some learning though. Had the side benefit that no one would ever want to borrow it because they couldn’t even do 1 + 1 in RPN.