complete beginner so dont judge me but few days ago been trying to get more into linux so i installed arch. just today i deleted a separate partition on my disk and i couldnt access arch anymore, it wasnt showing on the bios. so i tried installing arch again using archinstall and it unmounted all the partitions on my disk.

is everything just gone now? i feel dumber and dumber as i write this because i just dont know what to do.

    7 months ago

    Arch is not a distro I’d recommend for beginners. Try something like Mint or Ubuntu. Even Debian has a gentler learning curve.

    If the installer simply unmounted the partitions, they should (I think) still be there. They just need to be re-mounted.

        7 months ago

        been a while since i done this so i might have gotten some parts wrong:

        1. get a thumbdrive/usb drive/whatever you call it
        2. install the arch iso on it. im assuming you still have another device you can boot to.
        3. plug in the usb into your broken device. turn it on. then boot into that usb. you probably did this while installing arch so im assuming you know how to do that.
        4. once in, mount your broken arch install by doing mount /dev/<whichever partition it was> /mnt. take note of the space between the partition and the /mnt.
        5. then do arch-chroot /mnt
        6. from there just install grub like normal (just do whatever you did to get grub working in the first place).