Referencing makes a lot of sense with helping improve ‘art’. Think of When you practice in art class the warmups they give where you draw a picture. I think the most informative critique is when there is a reference to compare to.
You’re a good artist. What really caught my eye was exactly how spot on your duck drawing was to my non-professional eye.
I hope you keep at it.
EDIT: I just reread your comment. I don’t mean to make it sound like recreating other people’s art is the problem. Of course practice is important and existing stuff makes a comparison easier, I’m 100% in agreement with you. Please don’t stop. But i think it’s also easy for someone to have seen your art and assumed it was original. This is a place where showing off original work is accepted and “practice” doesn’t indicate originality one way or the other.
+1 for sourcing your inspiration
Yes because every nook and cranny in the internet requires sources. Especially for drawing practice!!!
Nevermind that meme though.
No, you’re clearly right. Implying it’s your own through silence is an ethical thing to do.
Oh please, you immediately posted the source.
And I immediately confirmed it.
And I didn’t have to do that this time! Thank you.
More honestly though.
Referencing makes a lot of sense with helping improve ‘art’. Think of When you practice in art class the warmups they give where you draw a picture. I think the most informative critique is when there is a reference to compare to.
You’re a good artist. What really caught my eye was exactly how spot on your duck drawing was to my non-professional eye.
I hope you keep at it.
EDIT: I just reread your comment. I don’t mean to make it sound like recreating other people’s art is the problem. Of course practice is important and existing stuff makes a comparison easier, I’m 100% in agreement with you. Please don’t stop. But i think it’s also easy for someone to have seen your art and assumed it was original. This is a place where showing off original work is accepted and “practice” doesn’t indicate originality one way or the other.
Exactly! So take your passive aggressive comments and get off your