Vance is one of Trump’s most vocal supporters and an outspoken critic of U.S. aid to Ukraine.

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Vance has said that it would be “completely irresponsible” for Ukraine to join NATO. He has also argued for the U.S. to focus solely on preventing Chinese expansion, even if that means sacrificing sovereign Ukrainian lands to Russia.

“Any peace settlement is going to require some significant territorial concessions from Ukraine, and you’re gonna have a peace deal, because that’s the only way out of the conflict,” Vance said in February.


    3 months ago

    I’m not the one who wants all that to continue. How many more lives must be senselessly thrown into a meat grinder just to move a line on a map?

    If you care so much about it, why don’t you go volunteer yourself? Ah, but you don’t want that, what you want is for people to drive around, grabbing people off the street, and forcing them to fight your battles against their will. Because you don’t actually care one bit about the people’s wellbeing, you want to use them in pawns of the Great Game, which you seem to mistakenly believe benefits anyone outside of the 1%.

    Anyway you’re not going to have any luck with that terrorist line. That’s literally the exact thing that they said about Iraq and Afghanistan, “You’re either with us or with the terrorists,” I’ve heard that shit my whole life. I wasn’t with them then and history has validated that completely. We’ll see how many people have to die this time before the liberals finally realize that war is bad, yes, even this time.

      3 months ago

      You’re literally blaming the victim for war it did not started.

      Somehow, in your head, defending what’s rightfully yours is senseless killing.

      What you don’t, “surpsiringly”, seem to want is for russian terrorists to pack their shit and go to back to their shithole. Nah, “that’s impossible”.

      In your dumb head surrendering to the imperialist bottomfeeder authoritarian is the only way towards peace. Which will last as long as the moron decides he wants more land and more suffering.

      Again, the “peace” people are like the most brainless, who can’t seem to think one little step ahead. But of course, this “peace” is very convenient to the usurper which has not occupied the lands, and don’t really want to struggle to keep them.

      Tankies continue to live up to their absolutely boneheaded image.

      The war can end any second, if russia stops attacking and terrorising Ukraine and leaves it’s rightful lands according to international law. Go be a keyboard activist about that.

      • OBJECTION!
        3 months ago

        I could not give less of a shit about Ukraine’s “rightful lands.” No, it’s not worth ordinary people dying to preserve the land of a reactionary state.

        It’s so ridiculously easy to fool you into supporting wars. Literally the exact same playbook every single time and you’ll fall for it every single time. “We have to stop them here or they’ll keep coming,” heard it all before. Where are all the 9/11s, now that we lost in Afghanistan? It was bullshit then and it’s bullshit now. Some of us are able to learn from history. It’s unfortunate that others refuse to learn and keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

        It’s very funny that you call me a keyboard warrior, I still haven’t heard your excuse for why you believe in drafting others against their will to fight for a cause you believe in, while you cower at home. Almost as if you don’t actually care about the well-being of Ukrainians at all 🤔