“Target” how? Blowing up TSMC isn’t what they want. China would need to establish air superiority first for any land invasion to succeed, which means Taiwan has plenty of time to pull the trigger on the kill switches.
If I was Winnie the Pooh, I’d pay Owl to go under deep cover for years to get control over the switches, or Kanga to make sure the Switch Master is indisposed when a military assault begins, or Eeyore to physically disable the switches before the attack. Winnie the Pooh has lots of options.
“Target” how? Blowing up TSMC isn’t what they want. China would need to establish air superiority first for any land invasion to succeed, which means Taiwan has plenty of time to pull the trigger on the kill switches.
If I was Winnie the Pooh, I’d pay Owl to go under deep cover for years to get control over the switches, or Kanga to make sure the Switch Master is indisposed when a military assault begins, or Eeyore to physically disable the switches before the attack. Winnie the Pooh has lots of options.