A ground-breaking study by a coalition of prestigious academic institutions has concluded that Israel's actions in Gaza since 7 October, 2023, constitute genocide against the Palestinian people. The study, conducted...
In the end of the day, humans are like this. If faced with the option of saving oneself or another person, most people would choose themselves (unless it’s a parent/child situation). In fact, in most jurisdictions, it’s not a crime killing in this circustance, but a self-preservation act that nulls any penalty.
In the case of the Israel/Hamas war, Isreal will think of their citizens first and Gaza’s citizen’s last. And let’s not fool ourselves: the Gazan population elected the Hamas with more than 60% of votes. I bet the IDF soldiers think of that before showing excessive pity towards the Gazan population.
In the end of the day, humans are like this. If faced with the option of saving oneself or another person, most people would choose themselves (unless it’s a parent/child situation). In fact, in most jurisdictions, it’s not a crime killing in this circustance, but a self-preservation act that nulls any penalty.
In the case of the Israel/Hamas war, Isreal will think of their citizens first and Gaza’s citizen’s last. And let’s not fool ourselves: the Gazan population elected the Hamas with more than 60% of votes. I bet the IDF soldiers think of that before showing excessive pity towards the Gazan population.