• TunaCowboy@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Watch LGBTQ+ people get genocided

    We’re armed, although liberals are doing everything they can to prevent it.

    Red states are expanding their 2A rights while blue states limit their own. You have fascist militias popping up all over the place and what legislation do you think will disarm them? That cat is out of the bag. Us ‘lefties’ understand that Jon Stewart is not going to show up and save us with a witty quip when some christian nationalist has us on our knees in front of a ditch.

    There may come a time we’ll all wish we had access to non-nerfed rifles and normal capacity magazines. Liberals are doing nothing productive to deal with this rise of fascism.

    I’ll be voting democrat, but let’s not pretend that voting republican light is going to defeat christofascism.