Humans descending from the trees was pretty disastrous for all involved.
Nature blundered a forced mass extinction in 3 million years, the top engine move was deadly meteor to East Africa
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
The Democratic National Committee decided to sabotage Bernie Sander’s candidacy.
Pharmaceutical companies were given leave to perform their own safety studies and to advertise directly to consumers
NASA thought that warnings about O rings from it engineers were overblown and sensationalistic.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Cadbury replaced quality ingredients in their chocolate with palm oil.
The Warner Brothers thought George Lucas’s idea for a space movie was a crock of shit
Trump said COVID would vanish in 2 weeks
The Recording Industry Ass. Of America sued 35,000 of its customers.
Coca Cola attempted to sell soda without artificial colouring.
The Wachovski sisters decided to make a 4th Matrix movie.
People used to believe Il vaticano wasn’t a real move
Steve Balmer said the iPhone would go nowhere.