I typically don’t care about things like hairstyle, makeup or clothes. But my wife has started giving herself a buzz cut and I simply hate it. I told her and she grew it out for a while, but she said longer hair was making her depressed and it needed to be a buzz cut. She said it just looks like her when she sees it. Part of me thinks that’s gender euphoria and she’s just around the corner from realising that she’s trans. I would not be comfortable continuing the relationship in that case. (She has said she feels a-gender but not male).

I’ve tried to tolerate it, but I dislike looking at her now and it’s contributing to me being depressed now. I don’t want these feelings every time I look at my wife.

We’ve generally had a good relationship over about one and a half decades, with two young children. We’re also codependent and own a house together.

It would make things difficult if we separate. I really don’t want to separate just because of a haircut, but I’ve definitely been thinking about it. I just don’t know what to do.

  • Mostly_Harmless_Variant@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I’m a white straight cis-woman who hates my hair and would buzz cut if it were more socially acceptable. It’s not a gender thing; it’s a tactile-sensory thing. I dislike it on my neck and face and hate the cost and experience of monthly maintenance to keep a cute pixie cut. A good hairstyle (by good I mean one you feel good in) definitely matters. I’m doing my hair longer now to get it in a pony tail. Don’t love it at all, but while it’s was growing out I felt frumpy and depressed. I would feel more confident if I could buzz mine without this stigma. If I were more courageous I would but the last time I had it very low people were judgy and to me it’s wasn’t worth the reactions.

    But I don’t think your post is actually about the hair cut. There’s a lot of feelings you both your ends on what it means and what you think it means but may not. A healthy relationship IMO needs to talk about these openly. Even if you find you’re growing in different directions, if you love her, try to support her being authentic to herself. You may find your relationship can be stronger for it.