• sanpedropeddler@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    You seem to just disregard everything any country does unless its the US. You are also only looking at what countries have done outside their borders, which I don’t think is the best way to look at it.

    And since you all claim to have a democracy over there, you are all personally responsible for the atrocities your regime commits.

    The people of US are directly responsible for the crimes they allow their government to commit. The blood is on your hands.

    This is completely nonsensical and just plain stupid. Even if our democracy actually worked, I would be 1/150 million votes. My bad, next time I’ll just vote differently. Problem solved!

    You enable them and benefit from them while pretending that it’s actually the other countries that are the problem instead of doing any self reflection and fixing your own shithole.

    I don’t see anyone claiming it’s without issue. They were responding to where you ignored everything wrong China has done, clearly demonstrating your bias. You ignored or downplayed every point they brought up just so you could feel like China was the good guy.

    Trust me, no nation state is the good guy. They don’t do things just because they are good, or just because they are bad. They are all selfish and greedy, they pay no mind to the lives they trample over to achieve glory and power. The CCP would brutally murder you in a second flat if it meant they were an inch closer to their goals. There is no point in defending them.