Hi there,

I’ve just recently started using Linux (Mint) and I’m pondering on if and how to change my setup.

Here’s how it is right now: I have 4 drives - 1 512GB ssd which has Windows installed on it, a 2 TB hdd that’s used for storage on the Windows part of my system, a 1 TB m2 ssd with Linux Mint and a 2 TB ssd for storage on my the Linux part of my system.

I can’t unfortunately get rid of Windows completely, as I need the Office Suite for Work - I do training sessions on process optimization mostly online via MS Teams.

At the moment, I have fmstrat/winapps installed, as well as teams-for-linux (which is just a web app as far as I know) for most basic things like outlook and teams messages. Both options (Web-apps and winapps) are not really suitable for online training sessions or more work intense sessions as they are simply too slow or missing features. For everything else, I’ll do a reboot into the windows system and after I’m done I reboot back to Linux.

Now here’s my question:

Is there a way, e.g. to put a VM fullscreen over both displays on one workspace and give it full power / resources so I won’t notice much difference to a native system (How good would my components need to be for this?) - and suspend the VM if I switch away from that workspace back to Linux. And would this be suitable to access my devices like the rodecaster pro duo or my cam (via CamLink 4K) and my streamdeck?

Do you have any other better ideas to get to my goal of basically having an easy way to switch between Win and Linux. The Windows VM would only be used for Office work and online Meetings but both should run without any noticeable lags or glitches.

Would another distro be better for this task? I like working with Linux Mint atm but I wouldn’t mind trying a different one as well - the Linux distro would have to be suitable for gaming though.

  • TMP_NKcYUEoM7kXg4qYe@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    With winapps you mean the tool that lets you use RDP to control a Virtual Machine as if it were a regular linux window? (edit: stupid question - you even specified the repo you got it from) If that’s slow, that wouldn’t be a winapps problem but rather virtualization problem since you should not feel the difference between an app running in a VM and a native app if it’s set up properly.

    Have you tried Quickemu? It should setup your windows VM for optimal performance automagically. There is even a graphical interface for it called Quickgui and both are available by running a single command on Ubuntu/Mint. Another thing might be not enough cores/RAM given to the VM.

    Someone mentioned looking glass, which is imo an overkill for you, unless you’re doing some graphically intensive stuff like gaming in the VM.

    • whatsgoingdom@rollenspiel.forumOP
      6 months ago

      That’s the tool yes. I’ve followed a guide that should have also included optimization. One of the problems I encountered: it doesn’t recognize the monitors properly which makes it a pain e.g. opening an email in a new window. Also lots of flickering and "wrong"colors (Outlook icon is turquoise for example). Nonetheless I would need a “full” Windows environment for the training sessions anyways (don’t want to confuse the attendees more than necessary by showing them an unfamiliar OS)

      • TMP_NKcYUEoM7kXg4qYe@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I see. I honestly don’t know how to do the multi monitor thing. The lazy part of me would avoid it if possible. A simple alternative could be something like a real RDP session on one monitor and a virtual monitor on the other. Obviously the issue would be that you would have 2 sessions opened at the same time instead of a single desktop. Another simple hack would be to expand the spice client over both of your monitors and set the VM’s resolution equal to the size of your 2 monitors combined.

        But yeah I highly recommend Quickemu. It basically looks just like Windows on full screen if familiarity is your main issue. It also has alternative spice viewers in settings if you dislike the stock one.