Wanted to ask you about this article, how do you remember the early days of the internet (I was sadly too young at that time). Do you wish it back? And do you think it can ever be like that again? I would be very interested

  • AJ Fidalgo (Mr. F)@podvibes.co
    2 years ago

    @sortius @bstix @Provider I stumbled upon the “original” recipe for Fettuccine Alfredo a week or two ago. It was pages of exposition about the history of the dish, and then the recipe. First, ingredients: pasta, parmesan, butter.

    I didn’t read past that. I don’t need 20 pages of exposition and 2 pages of recipe for pasta, parmesan, and butter. Just tell me pasta, parmesan, and butter, and I got it from there. Four words and a couple commas. That’s it.