Found this one online while browsing for what cats shouldn’t eat. However I feel like this area is quite controversial and opinionated. Also feels like half the websites are written by AI and riddled with ads. So if anyone has a good source as to what cats should avoid then let me know.

Anyways, I found this nice illustration, but wanted to hear with you peeps whether you have any experience regarding these food items.

Also what’s your take on milk/sour milk for cats? My previous cat loved it so much, and she aged until she was 17 years old, and never seemed to have a problem with it. Also asked the vet at the time and she said it was OK. However every other website I visit tell to never give milk(dairy) to cats. So which is it? Does it just depend on the cat?

    7 months ago

    It’s when I gave up on US politics. If only it was such that Hillary won… and not that DNC actively conspired to make that happen.

    As messed up and anti-democratic so many things are in the US leading to “pick one of two things”. The whole system is fundamentally broken when the selection of those two things is corrupt.

    But… when a person I wouldn’t trust to be mentally suited to pack a bag of groceries* or park a car*, is elected president, and gets to pick several supreme court justices… The world isn’t laughing at the US. They were laughing at the thought of Trump being in he primaries. They’re deeply concern that a complete fuckwit ended up in charge, and what that might lead to.

    Democracy (i.e. the system of governance) requires informed voters. GOP (the political party) requires uninformed voters.

    The only way you can vote Republican or think that the orange baboon can be entrusted with anything more important than throw feces, is one of two thing (or both): 1) you are an idiot / uninformed 2) you are morally corrupt

    *: this isn’t a put down directed at people who do these things, but that it requires some mental function in order to not crash the car, or steal some groceries… and I would be equally comfortable with Trump in that regard, as with a 6 year old. Which is to say: not at all. Which puts in perspective what I think of him being president.