Netflix subscriptions are up almost 6 million this quarter, suggesting we’re all just too exhausted to fight this stuff

    1 year ago

    I don’t get what’s controversial about Netflix making sure their customers keep their promises.

    The good thing about Netflix is that they don’t lock you in for 12-24 months. So you’re free to cancel whenever you want. Compare that to the agreement you have with your internet provider.

    With that said, you who cancelled Netflix because of this change, what streaming service did you move to that didn’t enforce on account per household?

      1 year ago

      Netflix making sure their customers keep their promises

      Netflix sold me a 4 screens shareable account. They then broke their promise and removed the shareable part. WTF are you talking about, or was that simply sarcasm?

        1 year ago

        If you read the agreement you agreed ro it clearly says they are allowed to change the terms and you are free to cancel the subscription.

        They didn’t break any promises.

      1 year ago

      With that said, you who cancelled Netflix because of this change, what streaming service did you move to that didn’t enforce on account per household?

      No streaming service has a “on[e] account per household” rule so I’m not really sure what you mean. Are you saying “what streaming service allows password sharing?” The answer is all of them except Netflix and Apple sort of (Apple cleverly tied it to having an Apple ID so credit where credit is due. It’s just too difficult to password share outside your family. But in theory you can).

      I didn’t cancel netflix, but I didn’t bother to make my own account when I got booted from my parents’ account. Because Netflix doesn’t make enough good stuff to justify it anymore and they cancel everything too quickly. I’m actually happier paying for Apple TV+ or whatever it’s called because the price is good and the content is like nothing I’ve ever seen half the time. I can just browse PlutoTV and/or Tubi and I’ve got 90% of the quality I see at Netflix for $free.99.

      I don’t get what’s controversial about Netflix making sure their customers keep their promises.

      This is a tad dramatic, we don’t have a moral obligation to netflix. Account holders agreed to terms and to make it sound so important as a personal promise is a bit much. Either way, you’re totally right, Netflix is within their rights to boot people. I think most people get that. But they also allowed the status quo for 16 years, so this is their fault. They set an expectation and created a sharing culture that almost, quite literally, crosses generations. They wanted to be in more homes faster and that was the cost. Then they’re surprised when they say “hey it’s over” and people are vocalizing their displeasure? Again, it’s their right, but what did they (or you) expect to happen?

      Either way it doesn’t matter. If their balance sheet works it works. I just can’t quite see why you’re riding in defense of Netflix.