This is the first time I built a keyboard!
A cheapino!
It took a little bit of time to get everything figured out, but I was able to finish that build relatively easily.
However, I am having trouble customizing the layout… I can’t load it in the tool and when I upload a json file it gives me something that doesn’t match my keyboard.
Also, the encoder currently types ‘y’ when turned right, I got 2 thumb keys working as spaces and I don’t have a modifier key.
As far as I can tell, everything is soldered right, the diodes are in the right direction…
Did I mess up my soldering or is the cheapino firmware buggy?
Any app that can help me flash/customize my keyboard? I’ll keep googling.
As createkarma said, it’s about not having to move your hands to reach keys you like to use. I’m on a 34 key layout, and I’ve found using my keyboard feels much nicer without have to move my hands around.
Any symbols that I find are important but don’t fit on a dedicated key are a combo (e.x. Q+W gives esc or comma+dot gives slash). It definitely takes a bit of getting used to but now that I’ve become accustomed to it I really don’t know if I could go back to using a board with a more traditional key layout.
I always saw QAZ style keyboard didn’t understand how you could ever use something like that but now I not only get it but I would honestly recommend people try it out because ive come to really appreciate how it all works
How do you type numbers? Or use the arrow keys? Or get into the BIOS if yiu have having computer issues? Just because a key is there, doesn’t mean you have to use it all the time, but I’m not using unicode to type “38294729 + 64828 / 52.73” because I’ll be 83 years old by the time I finish. The aesthetic of the keyboard seems cool, but when you go to such extremes that you eliminate some of the most basics of functionality of a device, it kind of turns into a joke, in my opinion. A row of numbers at the top there wouldn’t kill the aesthetic one bit and increase usability infinitely.
Numbers are on a row under my home row. Arrows are under ijkl on a different layers. I can access all f-keys and delete quite easily.
It’s ever so slightly less efficient in key presses for the sake of not moving my fingers more than 1 key on any direction (exception being to the far pinky keys).
This is a visualization of my current layout if you’re curious
ETA: I funnily enough have a keyboard with a number row that I opted out of using because they felt a bit far to reach. Here is my current keyboard. I don’t use the number row, the outer most Column, or the outer most thumb keys