No, this is not a Black Mirror episode.

    2 years ago

    In my earlier comment in this thread I said my dilemma with using AI for my work was an ethical one, not a legal one. Ethics/morals inform laws for sure, but I think you’d agree that not everything that’s technically legal is also ethical. Especially so in a country like the US.

    I think a lot of people would also agree that ethics are to some extent individual. Meaning that what I find ethical or not is going to differ from others. So whether or not this is all legal doesn’t mean that it’s going to jive with my personal view of what is ethical.

    That dilemma is my own. Whether or not congress people who have a weak grasp of both technology and the arts think one way or another on the matter is a poor ruler for one’s own moral code of conduct in my book.

    In any case, good chat. I appreciate that while we don’t agree on everything we kept it civil. Now back to work for me (before it gets taken by a robot).