Just got this email from Haier (US) who seems to be distancing themselves from the EU division’s decision to block Home Assistance.
Hello <name>, (I changed this)
Thank you for reaching out with your concern.
The Haier brand in the U.S. is independent of Haier Europe and operates separately. hOn is the connected IOT platform for Haier Europe. In the U.S., consumers can use our open IOT platform, SmartHQ. SmartHQ does not prevent integrations with Home Assistant.
We appreciate you reaching out.
Kindest regards,
Digital Engagement Team Haier Appliances
It’s still a pretty good sign IMO. Brands won’t usually distance themselves from their parent companies unless they have a good reason to.
@RobotToaster @homeassistant
Parent company is chinese, the european branch is a sister: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haier