This might not be the best community for this, but I don’t know what job I want after high school. I’m afraid of pursuing a job that I’ll end up hating. How do I figure out what job I want when I grow up?

    1 year ago

    You need to figure out:

    • What you like
    • What you’re good at (or can become good at with training/a degree)
    • What people will pay you to do

    If you like something, you’re good at it, and people will pay you to do it, that’s a career. Stick with it your entire life.

    If you’re good at something and people will pay you to do it but you don’t like it, that’s a job. Work it to pay the bills, but don’t be afraid to jump ship as soon as something better comes along.

    If you like something and are good at it but no one will pay you to do it, that’s a hobby. You’ll need to supplement that with a job to get by.

    If you like something and people will pay you for it but you’re not good at it, fake it ‘till you make it, my friend.

    If you only like something, you can git gud or find something else. If you are good at something but don’t like it and it doesn’t pay, stop doing it. If you can get paid but you don’t like it and can’t do it, don’t waste your time pursuing it.

    Obviously, if something is no to all 3 then it’s not for you.