Not looking for Foundry support or any other VTT. I’m about to start GMing Pathfinder for the first time for players who are all completely new to Pathfinder. Some have D&D 5e experience, some are new to RPGs.

Some might be willing to pay, but I suspect most probably will not, so I’d definitely prefer ones that have at least the character building content from the CRB for free. Definitely open to paid recommendations too though, if they’re really good.

Interested to hear what options are out there, and what quality of life features they have to walk players through creating a new character or to help while playing at the table.

    • Borimino
      2 years ago

      As someone who likes to build their characters ahead of their current level I too prefer Pathbuilder, though for new players Wanderers Guide might be a bit more hand-holdy.

      I believe both of them can output a pdf of the character sheet if you prefer to play without tablets/phones, and both can handle at-table play, though for Pathbuilder specifically I would recommend a tablet/laptop over a phone, because the website is a bit more friendly for at-table play.