Just curious as I’ve never been on the other side of the counter, how does this sort of thing tend to work at restaurants? Fast food and fast-casual places are where I’ve heard customers say things “pile as much lettuce on there as you’re allowed to” - is there ever a limit your supervisor instructed you for things like that?

Now obviously with up-charge items like extra meat or certain toppings I know the sizes tend to be pre-portioned to a serving utensil, but something like extra onions or tomatoes that goes uncharged - has anyone gotten into trouble for giving “too much”?

  • owenfromcanada@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I worked at a Canadian burger place with notably orange trays. Got asked for all sorts of things. Tons of pickles was probably the most common–I think I piled a good 3 inches on one once (probably 30 or so long slices). It didn’t occur often enough to be a problem.