Aha. This may be why Threads is based on ActivityPub - a way to prevent accusations of it being a Twitter clone. It’s just an innocent member of the Fediverse. ;)
Yep. Being a part of the fediverse gives Meta a defensible argument that (1) they are not stealing Twitter’s intellectual property as Mastodon already exists and (2) they are not monopolizing the Twitter-like social media environment as any of their users could move to Mastodon if they wanted to.
@OldFartPhil Anyway… maybe with “intellectual property” they mean another thing? I mean… if Meta is a Twitter clone, Twitter was a identi.ca clone too.
identi.ca now thats a url i haven’t heard in a long time
I have a feeling Twitter is about to regret not going after Truth Social, it being a near direct rip-off of Twitter.