I would like to know if I can feel safe here, or if I should pack it up and start looking elsewhere sooner rather than later.

If the kbin staff have already made there intentions clear, please let me know.

  • EnglishMobster@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    So. In 1 day, Threads has gotten more users than all of Mastodon combined. My friends are on Threads. They’re not coming to Mastodon. I’ve tried. I couldn’t even convince my fiance to join me on Mastodon for longer than a day, and we live together.

    How would you suppose I talk to my friends? By joining Meta? Or by staying with FOSS on the fediverse? Because when you say “everywhere needs to defederate from Meta” you’re also saying “You shouldn’t talk to your friends here, nor should your friends be able to talk to you.”

    Quite frankly - I really enjoy that I can both be here and still be in contact with my friends. Meta can’t track me here (as much, I’m aware they can still siphon data but they could do that regardless). I’d much rather stay here if I can. But if given the chance to choose, I’m going to move to somewhere that federates with Threads. Not because I like Meta - I hate Zuck almost as much as I do Elon, which is quite a lot - but because I’d rather see and talk to my friends than be locked in with a bunch of rando control freaks jumping at shadows.

    If the fedipact had it their way, anywhere that federated with Threads would in turn become defederated. This will create 2 separate fediverses. People will have to choose which one they spend time on - even if they have accounts on both sides, one will always be the “primary” account.

    I posit that for many people, the “primary” account is going to be the one with their friends and interests. It’s going to be the side with the influencers they follow. Simply, it’s going to be the one that federates with Threads. The other side will slowly wither and die, as all the content dries up and people move to where the network effect is strongest.

    You can argue that we need to defederate because of “embrace, extend, extinguish”. Tell me: what is the end result of EEE? A diminished fediverse, where most people use the single app that has all the people and all the content. How is that different than the splintered fediverse caused by the fedipact?

    It’s really not much different at all. If Meta goes for EEE, there is no stopping them. If the fedipact takes hold and rabidly defederated anywhere that glances at Meta, then the fediverse’s network effect will shatter. The fedipact will simply backfire and shoot themselves in the foot as people choose the side with the larger network effect. It’s ridiculous that the idea has gotten as much traction as it has; the fedipact’s best-case scenario is worse than the worst-case of EEE.

    If a bunch of people want to live in small segmented communities, that’s on them. Beehaw is right there if you want it; that’s what Beehaw aspires for. But large, general-purpose instances shouldn’t bow to the whims of a loud minority that don’t even realize the repercussions of their agitations.

    The fediverse is at its strongest when we federate. That’s what makes this place special. We’ve agreed that walled gardens are bad, and the one time that we have a chance to get a bunch of “normal” users on the fediverse everyone panics because they’re afraid of EEE.

    The fedipact isn’t going to stop EEE. If Meta wants to do EEE, they’re going to do it with or without the fedipact. We don’t even know for sure that EEE will happen - it’s true that Meta is a business, but there are plenty of open protocols you use every day that never got hit by EEE. L

    All the fedipact will do is hurt people who want to use free software to see their friends so this loud minority can exercise their control over everyone.

    You have the power to block the domain here if that’s what you want to do. Please don’t let your personal fears ruin the experience of others.

    • zalack@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I’m okay with a small bubble of randos as my Fediverse, I don’t need – or want – my social media to be “everybody”.

      I’m in a discord with my friends and that’s pretty much all I need.

      • EnglishMobster@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        That’s fair, but I personally want my social media to be “everybody”.

        That’s actually what brought me here to Kbin - I loved that it had Mastodon integration and connected everybody to everybody else.

        I was originally on Beehaw, which is very much trying to capture that “Discord with my friends” feel. And that’s totally fine; I understand that and respect it and think it’s valid.

        But the point is that we have options. Kbin especially is great because these options can happen at a user level; you can go in and block entire instances from your user account, and it’ll be just as if that instance was defederated. Admins don’t need to maintain a short allowlist or a large denylist; you can curate it to your comfort level on your own.

        But I’ll also recognize that it’s not inherently a small community - you’re taking a big community and slicing off parts of it, which isn’t the same. But there are spots for that cozy feeling across the fediverse if that’s what you want. I just don’t think a broad flagship instance like Kbin.social should be one of those spots.

      • EnglishMobster@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I’m saying 3 things:

        1. Facebook is going to do whatever they want regardless. They are a business, and they are in the business of making money. I don’t like Facebook. I don’t appreciate Facebook. I don’t use Facebook (or Instagram, or WhatsApp…). Facebook will always do what is best for Zuck, and if Zuck leans into EEE that is what Facebook will do no matter what.

        2. Right now, Facebook is giving me a chance to interact with my friends without using Facebook. That’s huge; my friends don’t share my anti-Facebook beliefs and are all still on there. I’d love to reconnect but want to do it on my terms. Federation allows that.

        3. The fedipact is going to do more harm than good. It won’t stop Facebook from doing what they want to do, as per point 1. If Facebook goes down the path of EEE (which we can guess but is technically not guaranteed - see how the Matter protocol is taking off), then Facebook will execute EEE with or without the fedipact. But the fedipact does Facebook’s work for them by inherently splitting the fediverse into a “Facebook side” and a “fedipact side”. This split is not healthy and many people will choose the side with a larger network effect - i.e. Facebook. Thus this accomplishes the same thing as EEE without Facebook doing anything other than Embracing.

        Facebook is allowed to do what they want because they are a business with billions of dollars. They’ve done horrible shit but they’re also mainstream, where my friends hang out and where the celebrities are.

        If the fedipact didn’t exist, I would be able to freely interact with the people on Facebook without needing to download Zuck’s data vacuum. I’d be able to see my friends and talk to my friends without having to deal with all the… Facebook parts.

        The fedipact threatens that because it will cause large communities (like Fosstodon, which has many open-source projects I follow) to defederate themselves from anywhere that federates with Threads. This splits the fediverse badly and in the fedipact’s best-case scenario (for them) the only way I could even talk to my friends is by downloading and installing Zuck’s app. I’d rather not.

        • @EnglishMobster Yep, might makes right, why bother resisting, gotcha.

          I’m not even saying you’re wrong about the damage that this could do, but you’re also ignoring how FB being here and dominating will make the fedi be a place that many just don’t want to be anymore.

          And yeah, great that you can talk to your friends, but I see so many people be afraid of libs of tiktok, and other hate groups entering on an instance that, according to you, should never be defederated from because of its size.

          • EnglishMobster@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            That isn’t what I’m saying. You can still ban individual users here on Kbin. I don’t like LibsOfTikTok either, but I can ban them from all my magazines if I wish. I can block them personally.

            Are you advocating for blocking anywhere that has any kind of extremist accounts of any kind? Lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works have open sign-ups; if LibsOfTikTok joined either of those would you want Kbin to defederate from all of Lemmy.world?

            The vast majority of people on Threads are normal people. Extremists exist, yes - just as they existed on Twitter, and Reddit, and Mastodon.social, and Lemmy.world, and anywhere that has a large number of users with easy sign-ups. Heck, I’m sure Kbin has some too.

            I don’t personally think that those relatively small number of accounts is worth the harm that will be caused by bisecting the entire fediverse. And where do you draw the line? If Google got into the fediverse game, would you want to defederate from them, too? What about Amazon? Apple? Disney? Wikipedia?

            If you want to get away from that, you’re welcome to frequent another instance that has that moderation style. I already see you’re not here on Kbin; I can’t speak to the rules of your instance but I am completely fine with your instance defederating from Meta if it wants to be a small community. Beehaw is another great example of somewhere that will aggressively defederate to remain small; I am sure they will defederate from Threads as well.

            As for your second point, I can give you my perspective. I chose Kbin because I want to spend all day on a site scrolling away. I don’t like seeing stale content. I don’t like being constrained to a small community where nothing happens.

            If the fediverse splits, we will go back to 2020-era Mastodon. It will be a bunch of niche communities without much in the way of updates. You’ll read your whole feed in a few minutes, and then you need to find something else to do. That’s probably healthy, but it’s not somewhere that will keep me coming back (there’s a reason why I never use my Mastodon account).

            The other half will have constant updates. A new feed every refresh. If I post something, I’ll get a bunch of likes and follows and comments straight away. It’s an incredible dopamine hit, each time.

            If given the choice… why would I choose the slow one? The one where I’ll get… maybe 3 likes from some strangers. The one that doesn’t have my friends or family or anyone I actually know.

            I realize not everyone agrees, but I’ve been around the block to know that people crave the network effect and will go to where it is strongest. It’s why the Mastodon Migration failed. The only reason why Lemmy/Kbin is taking off is because Reddit’s moderation team is actively ruining Reddit’s network effect. And one of the reasons why Threads is taking off is because Elon just destroyed Twitter’s network effect.

            • Kaldo@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              Sounds like you just want to be on threads then? You prioritize infinite content and scaling up, talking to your friends and centralization over not being beholden to a big corporation so why keep insisting on ruining it for everyone else here then, just go there instead? Fediverse is not going to replace conventional social media in any near future, if ever.

    • PabloDiscobar@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      The servers of the fediverse cannot handle the load of facebook. The case is closed before it even begun.

      Create your own instance and ask for federation with facebook: Threads won’t federate with you. Because they don’t know who you are and you did not sign any LEGAL AGREEMENT before you publish on their service through federation. You really think that you can push your content on their servers before you abide to a legal agreement?

      You cannot make everything about “your friends”. At the end of the day “your friends” use for free an infrastructure worth billions functionning in a legal framework. You didn’t think about the business problem and you didn’t think about the legal problem.

      • EnglishMobster@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Then why does Threads advertise ActivityPub support during its onboarding if it’s not going to go for ActivityPub?

        Can you cite your sources where Meta is forcing people to sign a legal agreement to federate, or are you just going from your gut?

        • PabloDiscobar@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Because activitypub is a buzz word. They will allow access to privileged partners who will sign contracts and legal agreements with them. Certainly not with a bunch of nerds who are here because they hate facebook. he wants us out as much as we want him out.

          Can you cite your sources where Meta is forcing people to sign a legal agreement to federate, or are you just going from your gut?

          No I cant. I’m going from my gut. GAFAM are all about laws, that’s their only weakness. Did they talk about federating with us anywhere?

          If they federate then they will host pedo content day one. Any lawyer of Zuck will warn him about that.