Apologies for the low resolution. It was a mobile ad and all I could get was a screenshot.

  • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The ad isn’t aimed at you. It isn’t even aimed at customers. It is aimed upwards.

    Is there a human being on the planet earth who can afford a Prada bag and has never heard of that brand? Seriously, 8 billion members of humanity and I will put down money right now that there is literally not a single one who has the money and has never heard of the brand.

    The ad exists in the form it exists because someone thought it would impress their manager who in turn was trying to impress their manager and so on. All the way up to some heiress who sits on the board.

    Look right now at Walmart or Target’s or Amazons website for clothing. Do you see the models? They look like normal people and they are smiling. Those retailers are trying to get money from you. Because those companies are sane normal businesses that want your cash and nothing more. They impress the higher ups by how much of your cash they can get.